Vladimir Bovt
19-01-1994, Gorinchem, NL
2016 – 2020: Fine Art, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
2012 – 2017: International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
2015: Exchange Semester Business Administration, Aarhus University, Denmark
Additional education and courses
2022 - now: Singing lessons, ZanglesRotterdam
2023 - 2024: Power up programme Mondriaan Fonds, Nest, The Hague
2020 - 2021: Apprentice Master programme, Kunstpodium T, Tilburg
2020: Mime Orientation Course, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
2019: Talent Traject Theater Rotterdam
Twelve weekends of theatre visits and masterclasses in acting, directing, writing and performing
2019: Dance and movemement classes by Sara Wiktorowicz, Rotterdam
2019: Several performance workshops, The Performance Lab, Rotterdam
Given by, among others, Jeremiah Day, Hilla Steinert and Eleanor Bauer
2018 – 2019: Basic acting and improvisation (Viewpoints) courses, Toneel Vakschool Rotterdam
2016: Preparatory Course, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
Exhibitions, projects and performances
2023: On Stage, Performance, Theater Walhalla, Rotterdam
2022: On Stage, Performance, De Machinist, Rotterdam
2021: Schoppen en Graven, Group Exhibition, IJzerblok, Rotterdam
2021: Graduation Show 2020 & 2021, Group Exhibition, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
2021: Recycling Value, Group Exhibition, Hilton Art Lab, Rotterdam
Performance of the work Distantie at the finissage
2021: 2nd Nieuwstraat Festival, Unnoticed Art Festival, Nieuwstraat, Dordrecht
Provided a concept to be executed by performers
2021: ALL INN, Group Exhibition, Het HEM, Zaandam
2021: Uncontrollable? Too Soon to Tell, Collaborative Residency & Exhibition, Kunstpodium T, Tilburg
2020: Window Shopper, Showroom/Group Exhibition, Hilton Art Lab, Rotterdam
2020: Participant How To Start a Movevement; a three-week series of interventions and missions to explore, question and disrupt the protocols, dynamics and rules of (semi) public spaces
Project by Merel Smitt as part of Welcome To Our Guesthouse at Theater Rotterdam
2020: Guest curator for De Aanschouw, Rotterdam
Curating five presentations of recent graduates from the Willem de Kooning Academy together with Roman Nieuweboer
2020: WalkByExhibition, Graduation Show Willem de Kooning Academy, Hofplein, Rotterdam
Billboard exhibition throughout the city of Rotterdam
2020: Bar Weining Exhibition, Group Exhibition, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
Performance in collaboration with Sachia Pereira-Stolle
2019: Tussen Kunst en Cool, Group Exhibition, IJzerblok, Rotterdam
Performance with De Kunstband
2019: Release Party, Solo Exhibition, Buys Ballotsingel, Schiedam
Solo exhibition with De Kunstband
2019: Performer in Het Binnenhuis (The Interior), …ism project space, The Hague
Performative installation by Frans van Lent
2018: Participant Blind Date, Dance/Theatre Performance; a collaboration between visual artists and fashion designers from the Willem de Kooning Academy and dancers and composers from Codarts, Rotterdam
2018: Participant DNA Repair Man; a collaboration between artists and designers from the Willem de Kooning Academy and PhD students from the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
2017: Performance of the work Aandacht (Attention), Pictura, Dordrecht
Performance developed by Frans van Lent for the book presentation of his book The Swap
Funds and subsidies
2022: Pictoright Steunfonds Startende Makers
2021: Mondriaan Fonds Corona-overbrugging kunstenaar, curator en beschouwer
Press / publications
2023: De Aanschouw, Edo Dijksterhuis
2020: BK-informatie #4: Graduation work 2020, Distantie
2016: Erasmus Magazine, interview about my clothing style
Other activities
2024 - now: Cultural projects coordinator, Einstein Lyceum, Hoogvliet Rotterdam
2024 - now: Process coach for visual arts exam students (mavo, havo, vwo), Einstein Lyceum, Hoogvliet Rotterdam
2024 - now: Artist at online platform De Kunstdragers
2018 – 2020: Member of De Kunstband
‘’A selection of artists that come together for collaborative conceptual
and performative jamming, rehearsing, creating and touring’’
Ik ben geïnteresseerd in wat er tussen de lijntjes afspeelt in menselijke levens en communicatie. Dingen die van invloed zijn en een grote rol hierin hebben, maar die vaak over het hoofd worden gezien, zoals persoonlijke grenzen, lichaamstaal, aanwezigheid en het 'niks doen' probeer ik daarom in mijn werk naar de voorgrond te brengen.
Dit doe ik door reacties uit te lokken van het publiek. Door in te zoomen op alledaagse handelingen, door confronterende teksten en harde humor, of door ze onderdeel te maken van mijn werk, zodat ze dit zelf gaan ervaren. Performance komt terug in al mijn werken, ook in de werken die in andere media zijn gemaakt.
Ik ben geboren en opgegroeid in Gorinchem in een Oekraïens gezin. Tijdens mijn studie aan de Erasmus Universiteit en later aan de Willem de Kooning Academie ben ik naar Rotterdam verhuisd waar ik nog steeds woon en werk.
About Me
About Me
De Kunstband
I am interested in what happens between the lines in human lives and communication. In my work, I try to bring things to the foreground that play a major role in these but that are often overlooked, like personal boundaries, body language, presence and 'doing nothing'.
I do this by provoking responses from the audience. By zooming in on everyday actions, through confronting texts and harsh humor, or by making them part of my work, so that they can experience this themselves. All my works are performance-based, even those made in other media.
I was born and raised in Gorinchem, Netherlands, in a Ukrainian family. During my studies at the Erasmus University and later at the Willem de Kooning Academy I moved to Rotterdam where I still live and work.